Workplace Challenge

Warwick District Council staff are invited to take part in the 6-month Choose How You Move Workplace Challenge on the BetterPoints app.

BetterPoints is a multi-award winning technology company that motivates people to change their behaviour to cut air pollution, reduce congestion and improve health and wellbeing.

By joining the Workplace Challenge, you will be able to earn exclusive rewards and win prizes by travelling in cleaner and greener ways for work and by getting active during the working day. You will also earn rewards from the publicly available Choose How You Move in Warwick District Challenge for all of your walking, cycling and public transport trips in the District, as well as swim, gym and exercise classes at local Everyone Active leisure centres.

Not yet taking part in the Workplace Challenge?

Download the free BetterPoints app via the App Store or Google Play buttons at the bottom or QR code below
Register an account with your email. If you are already registered to BetterPoints or don't have a work email like this one, get in touch to request a referral code.

🚀 Once the challenge has launched, you can earn rewards for walking, running, cycling and using public transport for your commute, for site visits or when breaking up the working day with some exercise. Even when you are working from home, try a virtual commute to be rewarded.

💰 You can trade your rewards for vouchers with participating local retailers, high street brands, or donate them to charity.

❓ Have questions about the challenge? Check out our FAQs page here.

🌟 Be inspired by a colleague

Digital Marketing Apprentice Keen came across the Workplace Challenge through his new role at the Council. After initially relying on lifts and taxis to get to the office, he is now a bus commuter convert.

How did you find out about the challenge and why did you sign up?

“I was tasked with promoting it to staff on the intranet pages and newsletter, so I thought to give it a go myself.
When I first started working for the Council I was getting a lift to the office with my parents because they were on holiday. If I couldn’t manage that I would rely on taxis.
I never gave much thought to getting public transport or walking but now I’m doing it all the time. The challenge was an incentive to try something new and it has worked out really well.”

What features do you enjoy about the app?

“I find it really interesting seeing how many calories I’m burning, and the CO2 saved. I don’t need to lose weight, but I am curious to see, nevertheless. With the carbon saving stats it is nice to know I’m making a difference with my travel choices.
I like checking the app to see how it is tracking my progress every day and across the week; it is capturing my trips with pinpoint accuracy. I walked a 7.8 mile journey the other day and it captured it all.
Obviously the rewards are great and help from a financial point of view. This week I won £25 in points in the Come What May campaign, which was really nice news to wake up to! I’ll be using these rewards to buy a few dinners.”

Has the app had an influence on your travel behaviour, for work or otherwise?

“Now that there is the reward incentive I’m taking the bus into the office, which I go to between 1 and 3 days a week.
In the morning I’ll catch the bus just before 8. I have to change in Leamington but it’s only a short wait. I have a couple of minutes to walk when I get off in Warwick. I’m in the office by 9.
Catching the bus was a bit daunting at first. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it has turned out to be a lot better than I thought. Buying a ticket is super easy and I can take in the surrounding scenery, read something on my phone and unwind after a busy day.
It has led me to start getting the bus to Coventry on the weekend. It goes straight to the town centre which is very convenient for me. I’ll take the train to Birmingham too.
I’m walking more as well. I’ve walked the 2 hour journey back home from Saltisford multiple times now. It is all because of the challenge; it is really encouraging!
Outside of work my partner and I will regularly walk to the local nature reserve. I’m doing up to 600 minutes a week at the moment. Staying active and being outside in the fresh air is really beneficial for my morale.”

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